Archive for July 2009

Nothing Better To Do On A Sunday…

July 28, 2009

I saw this Reema doing this tag. I was so chilled on a Sunday, so decided to run it myself as well.

Q: When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

A:  Nice Eye Brows there gurl 🙂

Q: How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?

A: Couple of Hundred Bucks and no change.

Q: What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?


Q: What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?

A: ‘It’s Too Late To Apologize’ by Timbaland

Q: Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

A: It’s an unknown number which I missed.

Q: What are you wearing right now?

A: PJ’s – its Sunday man!!!!

Q: Do you label yourself?

A: “Angel” 😛

Q: Name the brand of the shoes you currently own?

A: Rocia – An associate brand of Regal Shoes.

Q: Bright or Dark Room?

A: Of course Dark Room 😛 😛

Q: What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?

A:  Intelligent Blogger.

Q: What does your watch look like?

A: Its a Silver Flashy Fast Track Watch!! Just Laaauuu Silver 🙂

Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?

A: Was having a naughty Chat 😛

Q: What did your last text message you received on your cell say?

A: Flashback: Send me one memory we had together, the first one that pops in your mind when you think of me. – My friends seriously don’t have anything better to do.

Q: What’s a word that you say a lot?

A: WTF!!!!!!!

Q: Who told you he/she loved you last? (Please exclude spouse, family, children)

A: A dear friend. 🙂

Q: Last furry thing you touched?

A: EaAAAAAAOOOWWW….I don’t like anything furry!!!

Q: Favorite age you have been so far?

A: The current one!! It’s been a Blast!!!

Q: What was the last thing you said to someone?

A: Ahem!!! I can’t type that out here 😛 😛

Q: The last song you listened to?

A: “What goes around, comes around” by Justin Timberlake – Lately, I have been addicted to it.

Q: Where did you live in 1987?

A: Mumbai

Q: Are you jealous of anyone?

A: No ways!!!!

Q: Is anyone jealous of you?

A: Seems to me …there are quite a lot of them out there…and I don’t understand why they ought to be!!!

Q: Name three things that you have on you at all times?

A: My Big Broad Smile, My cell, My Happiness 🙂

Q: What’s your favorite town/city?

A: Miami – Florida 🙂 It sooo had to be that!!!!

Q: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?

A: When I had a pen pal!! Geesh!! That was ages ago!!!

Q: Can you change the oil on a car?

A: Na Na!! Don’t we have garages for that!!!

Q: Your first love/big crush: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?

A: Heheh there were so many…that I can’t remember who they were at this moment, let alone knowing about them!!!

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?

A: By God’s grace …nothing!!

Q: What is your current desktop picture?

A: This one sure brings a big smile on my face. Its my picture with the HOT Captain of my Para sailing boat with Miami as the delightful backdrop!!! 😀

Q: Have you been burnt by love?

A : No Comments!!!  🙂


Glee Torch Of Happiness…

July 26, 2009

Vanessa had tagged me with – “Pass on the Glee Torch of Happiness” about three months back…sorry Van for being so late on this. Torch

The rules are that the recipient is to list six things that make him/her happy before subsequently passing forward the glee to others. (ok, so a meme by any other name smells as sweet…)

1. Friends

2. Rain

3. Tiramisu

4. A Stranger that gives you a random smile… 🙂

5. Miami 🙂 🙂 And the HOT Captain 😛

6. Shopping!!!

So I pass this on to:

This tag was named as the Glee Torch of  happiness…therefore anyone who feels they would want to share their happiness is more than welcome to do it.


Special Times…Special Gurls…A Special Place…

July 20, 2009

Certain people take certain places in our lives. Each place will be special in its own way. The place your mom would have in your life, would be different than the place you would have for your dad. Its just different. None would be better than the other but it would be special in its own way. In the same way I have a special place for my girl friends (no offense meant to my guy pals as I do luv them as much. My child hood best friend is a guy whom I have grown up with & whom I dearly adore, but this one is just for that section in my life which has its own place) So this one is going to be for all my girl friends.

*** Disclaimer***: The below has been completely penned down based on my distinct memory of few instances 🙂 which is sharper than a Swiss knife – Pun Intended. So, there may be some things less or more that some of you may remember better than me.

Starting to list down all the things that I should have openly expresses gratitude for and I never did; either because I decided to be merely stupid to have not seen it OR even maybe seen, and realized it but never appreciated it OR just worse, been a complete coward for not having been able to express it loudly and now penning it all down.

I say; finally I think, I am putting my blog to some good genuine use. 🙂

So what is that can be the first thing on my list…Oh! I know! What it is:

Food: My penchant and love for good food is something, that has always been acknowledged and taken care of. If I am over at their place (SRP), or I am out with them. For some reason they have very gracefully put up with my fussiness with food which has usually followed my mood swings {TSB, SS}. To clarify, I wouldn’t be that moody with anything, as I would be with food. How wonderful it is to have such gal pals around you, who without you having to express anything will know, what I would prefer eating (US, TSB).  Again, I have to openly acknowledge and appreciate the times for having to put up with my absolute impulsive food craving for something specific {TSB, SS}.  How annoying can it be for those around you – if for non stop 15 minutes, you would have cribbed and nearly chewed their brains out, that you were hungry and right when the food will be served to you – you will just eat a bite and remark “I am not hungry anymore”. Yes, I can be worse than a pregnant lady when it would come to food mood swings.

**TOUCHWOOD** I consider myself very lucky. Whenever, I have had made that one phone call to anyone of these girls…they have not only put up with this kind of a strong mood swing, but have either accompanied me to the specific joint (SS, TSB, BB) OR have come home to pick me up to take me there (BB) OR even BEST, have specially made me that exact dish (SRP, TSB, US) and have had me over to their place and treated me no less than a queen {SRP, TSB, SS, US, CR, NAP, ASD, DS}.  Gosh! I luvv them so much.

Birthdays: You got to be kidding me on this one! I literally had to fight with myself if, I should be putting this one right on top; before food. But, my food brattishness was even bigger than this. If there is anyone in this GOD DAMN world, who would have really looked forward for getting old…its surely ME! Why?

Well, the reason were these gurls!! I mean, seriously!! My birthdays, along with it being special and they making it special in their own way, were also VERY ADVENTUROUS! Those were the days, when my birthdays were dreaded by all of their parents!!

LOL, as it poured cats and dogs on that day! Every single 16th of June, was the day, when God – The Almighty had decided that he would make it challenging for all of us to get together by bringing in hail storms, wind and flood! But we defied all those odds. We not only met, laughed and celebrated that day, but continued laughing over it much after, till today. Take me very seriously on this, this happened every 16th of June, every single damn year during those days. And now, that I don’t have all of them near me (read- geographically), it bloody doesn’t even pour a single drop on 16th! Guess, it was them!!

It always was celebrations galore in this group as we were two of us born on the same day (NAP). It was/is strange feeling. If she wished me “Happy Birthday”, the response would be “Wish you the Same”. It was like wishing someone one “Happy Diwali” and the response promptly would come as “Same to you”. 😛

The adventures went to an extent that we nearly either had to change our routes to get to our celebration place, or change the place itself or had fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers (SRP) coming to pick up a gang of 8-9 girls in one car in the heavy downpour.

The highlights of 16th June as I remember them:

Cakes were made for my birthday (TSB) and brownies & chocolates delivered to me personally (TSB, SRP), not to mention the hand made really beautiful cards with really amazing lines personally hand printed on it (SRP, SP1)

Going that extra mile to have jackets customized to suit my tastes and personal attention being put to it to suit my personality (AA).

Taking days off from work to go perfume shopping for me; knowing that it will take them the entire day to just get the ‘right fragrance’ (AA, AR, MN).

Sorry CR, for upsetting you when we were to land up near your place to celebrate my birthday and we couldn’t due to the heavy down pour. I am sorry that it really hurt you and you felt really down; all  of it right on top of the high fever that you were already going through.

Last but not the least…The laughter! We have laughed and laughed and cheered and smiled enough to let everyone to look up and take notice of our presence.

    Plans: Most of these girls love an organized, well planned outings. I somehow have never fitted in that square. I have usually loved making impulsive and last minute plans, which probably have either resulted them changing the structure of their already planned day for me or them having to canceling/postponing some of their plans (CR, SS, US, AA, ASD, TSB, ML, AR, DS) – Don’t blame me for the last part, you got to admit, my plans have been more exciting than the regular chores 🙂 Oh! not to forget mentioning that they also give random surprises by landing up at my door unannounced at wrong times {talk about being organized) when I am in my ‘oiled hair’ state. {I just hate having anyone to see me, when my hair is all oiled – don’t ask me why! I find it completely embarrassing} And they find it absolutely amusing seeing my embarrassment which I just don’t find it funny at all! Huh! (SS, TSB).

    Traveling: Not in one bit least, we would have felt embarrassed in creating the most nosiest scenes in restaurants celebrating Valentines day or was it sitting right on top of the Double Decker BEST bus; making the conductor  literally pleading us to go slow on our noise levels (NAP, CR, US, SRP).  Ensuring always that there is enough change for the bus (SB) without me having to worry about getting any. The travelling part at times entitles you to carry loads of stuff like rough scribbled papers, maps etc – I have never bothered trying to keep it safe or in a place where it can be easily found, but ain’t I lucky to have people who have done that, irrespective of me having to say a word or having to worry about me losing my stuff (SB, TSB, SS – yellows in tow :P)

    Shopping: Oh! How can I forget? I am no more allowed to buy the funky whacky one liner T-shirts (that I still find so cool)! (ML) Am I complaining? No! Not at all! As I love what they like on me as well (ML, TSB).  My sincere confession – I just love kicking up some storm with them on this, most of it has been; ‘Just for the Heck’ of it  – without any valid reason (SN, ML, TSB).  I am serious! Hopefully they have realized it by now. And this is something that I am proud of myself, as probably this is the only ‘ONE’ point that I would have acknowledged during our shopping sprees having openly expressed and appreciated what they have picked for me (ML, TSB, AA, SS).  The instances of just going on an impulsive shopping spree based on realization of a sudden requirements (SS, SP, SC) or having to sit and rack your brain over my outfits (PS, SN) is not an easy task for anyone to manage. You need some grit and style factor with me on that and my girls have it all. 🙂

    Movies: I think, right from the time I have known all these girls; I have seen more FLOPS & pathetic movies than any of the sensible ones. Am I complaining NOW? No! But I have done my fair share of teasing them, for having taken me to some god forsaken movies. Like I said above, I have done most of my cribbing (read- not all of it) based on ‘Just for the Heck’ of it  – without any valid reason. How about, hearing one more on this one:

    Our lady (SS) goes to the theatre and instead of booking tickets for movie ‘A’, she comes back home,  without realizing that the guy at the counter has given her tickets meant for movie ‘B’.   The next day at the theatre, the Pandora’s box opens and we assure her that we were ok watching any movie BUT our relentless girl just can’t control those unstoppable tears – on “how can she not check what was given to her”. The wastage of tissues on this event made ‘ME’ cry.   I am rest assured and can confidently sign on a stamp paper stating she wouldn’t even cry so much on her ‘vidai’ (an Indian tradition where the bride is bid adieu after marriage)

    In all sincerity and honesty, I now admit here – that more than the movie, spending time, being with them and having them around me was more important in all aspects and at all of those times  (BB, TSB, SS, CR, ASD, US, AA, DS, SRP, ML) – take this now, as my last confession 😉 and doesn’t mean I am going for another FLOP show.

    Conversations: Jesus LORD! Again, there was a fight on this one, for its priority order and for obvious reasons. Like I preach, there is no relationship without loads and loads of conversations behind it and with your girl friends, the conversations can just be so priceless. Their personalities trigger a variety of topics and discussions. So I have my exclusive types of conversations with my exclusive girls:

    1.         The Brain and Mind Stimulating Conversations/Arguments: – Something that would have tickled my brain to an extent to actually make it think and get race power energy to the thoughts. Something that made me change aspects and gave me new perspectives and arenas to explore (AA, AR, CR).

    2.         The Love Preaching Conversations: – The ‘Love Guru’ kind of stuff. Where nothing else is discussed but lovers, failures over shitty people, on why the heart hurts so much always and OMG!! the most important distinctive feature that would be discussed at the end of it (painful really) would be “when will you (read – I) think, about getting into a relationship” UFF!! (SS, TSB, SL, CF, ML, SB, US, AR, AA, BB, SP, SD, SP1) It so much better and easier discussing just them, and not me.

    3.         The Hard Core Philosophy:- This one would be my all time favorite topic of discussion. Anything to do with philosophy which lands up having to put my analytical and logical skills to use. A conversation that pricks enough to make you change for the better. A conversation which the world may not agree to because of either the cultural and traditional tags attached to it or simply put – a great deal of narrow mindedness. Having a conversation that entitles you to break these social barriers for ones happiness …oooo makes me all excited (SC, CR, AR, SS, TSB, ML, SB, SP).

    4.         Heart to Heart Talk:- That kind of a conversation, which would have had them or me just pour our hearts out. It never mattered what the topic of discussion was; if the topic made sense or not.  These conversations made me learn the “Art of Listening”, which I can say with pride that now I finally carry it in abundance (AA, SS, TSB, CR, US, ML, SL, NAP, DS, SP, SC, MN, SD, SC, SP1).

    5.         The Gossip Corner: If its not gossip, it just cannot be anything else. Being just plainly ‘bitchy’ about someone who must have caused a great deal of harm and removing that stress out can really help at times. The girl to girl gossip corner talks can sometimes be very healthy for the heart and the mind (ML, TSB, SS, CR, SP, NAP, PS, SL, MN, AA, SD).

    6.         Absolute Nonsense: – (ASD, PS) This one just had to be an exclusive one. I don’t think, I would have ever spoken ‘this kind and level’ of a nonsense, crap, and just senseless conversations with anyone else. These conversations are fun as one thing leads to another. It’s like your mind would be jumping from one topic to another irrespective of any link. The never ending laughter and giggling like school girls will be the main highlights along with words that just don’t make any sense or have any logic attached to it.

    7.         Partners in Crime: The devilish instincts of just planning something against about someone you would just hate or love; the never ending ‘drinking shots’ competition or being upto some naughty pranks. The conclusion at the end of it all would be – “your issue would have been resolved” and you would have also had fun at the end of it as well. The thoughts and activities that get materialized during these conversations would outstretch ones creativity beyond the realms that one could have ever imagined (AA, AR, MN, SN, PS, SD).

    Health: Straight out from a movie “In sickness and in health” – friends are those who have seen it all. It just makes me nauseas, if I have to even ‘think’ of visiting any doctor or enter a hospital. Hue and Cry would be made on my carelessness for not taking my medicines on time, when I fell sick (TSB, SRP, CR, SS, ML) and nearly emotionally black mailing me to ensure that I go and see a doctor (AA, MN) Every phone call would have driven me nuts…when they kept a tab on what I ate right after I recovered (TSB, SRP, SS, SP1) to where and what I was doing. After a really bad scary allergy on my health thanks to a fried prawn chip that I accidentally ate; on this certain vacation; before I had my hand out to grab a chip; the chips were eaten by them just to test it; if it was prawns or not! (TSB, SS)  They just simply cared and still do way too much! 🙂

    Hair Cut – I do carry a complete obsession with my hair. It has to be right and just right. The hair stylist has to be someone whom I can trust and I am confident about. Its a huge risk with some one like me…don’t think I will ever be so possessive about my husband as much as I am about my hair. Even after knowing my high maintenance attitude with my hair, these girls seem to be more possessive about my hair than me. (TSB, ML – the deadly combination of a yellow and a blue. Save me lord! :P) Ensuring that, I not only grow it – 6 months my hair was under constant surveillance on its length (ML) but also taken a risk (knowing very well, that I can throw a big racket, if something had to go wrong with my hair) and being confident to take me to a hair stylist (TSB).   Someone; I would have never tried before. It has also been ensured at times, that the hair stylist has been delivered to me, right at my door step with clear cut instructions as to how my hair has to be cut/trimmed/styled (ML).

    You got to to take my word – my girls are just awesome of the lot that anyone would ever have!

    Now for the fun part, if at the end of every expression-full line, you were wondering what are those codes that are mentioned in the bracket – well, they are the Abbreviations of names – of those wonderful girls in my life. It has been placed right after the described instance as I have remembered. Ha ha ha. So maybe, if they are reading this, they would land up reading this post once again, just to again check where all their names have been highlighted. Fun, isn’t it?

    KA – How I wish you were a gurl!! Except, for the hair cut part, you have done it all; along with leaving notes on my pillows 😛

    The Key (in no particular order):




    Anjana Advani


    Anjali Raisinghani


    Ami Shah Doshi


    Bijal Batavia


    Charmaine Fernandes


    Charu Raghvan


    Dhruti Shah


    Mili Lalwani


    Mona Nandwani


    Nandita Alla Patury


    Payeil Sanghvi


    Seema Bhavsar


    Shital Chedda


    Smita D’Souza


    Shruti Lakhotia


    Shivani Narang


    Smita Pillai


    Suchitra Poojari


    Suprabha Roongta Poddar


    Shibani Shenoy


    Tanuja Sharma Baldota


    Umi Shah


    Kumar Advani

    When people ask me how is it possible for me to always choose to look at sunny side of life; after reading all of the above, don’t you think I have made a sensible choice. Why will I pay attention to things that are wrong; when I have so many things which are just so perfectly right in my life?

    PS: This post took nearly three weeks to take the shape that it has. I had my bouts of breaks to ensure I am in the state to do complete justice to this post and have enough space to be able to go back in time to recollect some of those finer points. This has just been the 2nd post so far, where after penning & editing it – I felt completely satisfied as a writer. Blogging finally put to some really and really good use. Thanks Sheece, I owe you one for getting me off my lazy bums to get these results.

    ‘Just Being YOU’!

    July 19, 2009

    Life can be really unfair and this is what everyone thinks. Some of our best and loved relationships change with time. However, it has always been ‘the love’ relationship that has seemed to cause more harm and pain.

    Is it really that difficult to not be in a relationship? We all our mortals after all. Why the dependency and the feeling of compulsion that “if I am not in a relationship” – after a certain breakup, I will not be able to survive.

    imageThe desperation to jump back right into one again shows. The irritation, mood swings actually seem to get better of their own individual personality. The things that they ideally would have loved doing with their family or friends at a certain point in time in their life, seems redundant as they realize they themselves are probably not able to go back to it now. Things seemed to have changed completely and just forever.

    I can understand that an entry of someone in one’s life would make certain priorities change or even change ones personality to an extent to allow an adjustment, but what I really don’t get it, is why would the person not realize that the exit is having a far more wider impact.

    These people suddenly seem to realize that they love being bound in a relationship – which can be a good thing by itself, however if they are no more in one due to whatever circumstances in their life – then why doesn’t it strike them that even that is not bad either – and maybe it is just for their own better.

    I believe that no one and just no one in this worldly planet can know you or understand you at the level and degree that you do ‘yourself’. Yes, there are people who are close to us, and who know our likes and dislikes, but the extent that you can go to really understand yourself, no one else will be – doesn’t matter what is the relationship you share with that person.

    If it’s easy to bring someone in your life, then why does it become ‘extremely hard’ to come back to just being ‘merely YOU’; something that you were anyways before this ‘certain person’ existed. Why does it become so hard to understanding that you jut may be wasting away your life crying over and not enjoying the ‘really you’. It’s one lifetime – and one life.

    If you have some one surely cherish them, but if you don’t have them, then cherish their memories – and “Enjoy being You’.

    The Inner Ego…That Teaches Mis-Judgment.

    July 16, 2009

    image A lady in a faded Grey dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun suit walked in timidly without an appointment into the Harvard University President’s outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn’t even deserve to be in Harvard.

    “We want to see the President”, the man said softly.

    “He’ll be busy all day” the secretary snapped.

    “We’ll wait” the lady replied.

    For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn’t and the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president.

    “Maybe if you see them for a few minutes, they’ll leave” she said to him. The President, stern faced and with dignity, strutted toward the couple.

    The lady told him “We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus.”

    The president wasn’t touched….He was shocked. “Madam” he said, gruffly, “We can’t put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery.”

    “Oh, no” the lady explained quickly, “We don’t want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard.”

    The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, “A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building image costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical buildings here at Harvard.”

    For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. Maybe he could get rid of them now. The lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don’t we just start our own?”

    Her husband nodded. The president’s face wilted in confusion and bewilderment. Mr… and Mrs… Leland Stanford got up and walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California   where they established the University that bears their name. Stanford University, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.

    Most of the time we judge people by their outer appearance, which can be misleading. And in this impression, we tend to treat people badly by thinking they can do nothing for us. Thus we tend to lose our potential good friends, employees or customers.

    In our Life, we seldom get people with whom we want to share & grow our thought process. But because of our inner EGO we miss them forever.

    It is you who have to decide with whom you are getting associated in day to day life.

    Thoughts & Michael Jackson – The One Who Will Live On.

    July 6, 2009

    Who doesn’t love the weekends. They can be so beautiful! Yes, it is your time and space to sit back and do all that you probably had wanted to do during the week, but sometimes, it just adds to the reflecting self. The past two weekends have been raining very heavily in Bombay. Its strange how even the slight change in the weather would change your thoughts and the way you would feel.

    So here I am, sitting by the window as the rain just splashes on my window panes and I hear the frivolous breeze gushing through the trees, my mind is filled with so many thoughts. Its filled with the thoughts of my amazing Miami Vacation that I just cannot get out of yet. Geesh! The adrenaline that I was mentioning in my previous post “Here I Come” still seems to rushing through me when ever I think about my Para sailing adventure there. The big wide Colgate smile can be seen through my photographs.

    Then, there are thoughts about the fun I had last night with my friends, straight after work when we actually planned to head for a movie, but due it being the weekend, the tickets were all sold out. So we landed up taking this amazing drive to town, stopping at a club – even though it was a dry day.  We were enjoying our drinks. I was happy being in the company of friends and vodka, celebrating that a really crazy week had ended.

    Suddenly the huge big screen lights up. The appearance with just white light behind him, made the crowd cheer. It was Michael Jackson’s performing in India. His enthralling energy, his thrust and of course the moonwalk, made the crowds do nothing but whistle and celebrate the man who made music like no one else did.

    Watching the crowd cheer him like anything, would just make you realize and reflect, that though within their hearts people felt sad, they have consicously chosen to celebrate his life and not his death.

    It’s a big, big, big, and a huge loss to people like me who have nearly grown up listening and watching him. I had received my first pocket money when I was entering college, and I clearly remember buying the thriller cd with it, something that I still cherish. I still listen to songs “Heal the World”, “The Way You Make Me Feel”, “They Don’t Really Care About Us” on my cell and laptop.

    The attention given to his personal life, doesn’t matter to me, and I refuse to be judgmental about what he was personally, as we all have our vices. What really mattered and connected me to him was the words and the lyrics of his music. He just did not make music. He made magic. His music would make you feel. His music would make you think. He was a musician and his music will always be a legacy. He will live on.

    If I ever had to choose just one song…just that one song that makes my heart really sing, just that one song which right from the beginning till the end would make you want to love….is the song that I choose to leave you with. MJ was a legend and will continue to be one…He was never alone! And the way he made me feel…

    Here I Come Again…

    July 4, 2009

    image I am slowly and steadily walking back into the human space. I am slowly feeling back to being really smartly normal.

    I finally am coming to a realization that I want to go back being and living the wild life that I just love living.

    It’s that impulse and its that rush that really drives me. Its that adrenaline of last minute excitement that I thrive on.

    I breed my thoughts and my every breath over the adventure that life has always had in store for me.

    One excitement would be just ending and the other one would have automatically starting to have its space in my life. The last couple of months for some reason came to really quite stand still and maybe because I was just feeling bored, I quite didn’t have that blood rushing into my head.  All right! Lets be honest for once, we all know the reasons for our strange behavior.

    We all from within ourselves understand what are we behaving the way we are – as we completely read our own feelings within ourselves. yes, Maybe we are unable to express them in a way that others would understand them – so by and large, just end up saying “I don’t know, why I am feeling this way” Or “May be its just one of those mood swings and it will pass”; when thoroughly, right from the top, to the bottom of your heart you would have all those reasons lined up and you clearly able to read them to know your reasons.

    So yes, I knew why I was feeling the way I was and probably just didn’t have the energy left in me to fight that out. But now that’s all that in the past…I just love my life image back. It’s like living and drinking again.

    Ooops did I say drinking! Ah Well! The occasional night outs after a long hard drawn days at work just adds more to the wilderness. The real and distinctive spice to those night outs have actually been the last minute impulsive plans that have been materialized. So, maybe for me, it was not the ‘drinking’ aspect, it was more to do with the impromptu plans that added to my excitement.

    Such is life. At times, we would be heard complaining “Oh Lord, too much is going on, all at once”. And when the Almighty says “Amen” and slows it down a little bit. We start our complaint ramblings once again “Just nothing exciting is happening”.

    I think, I have enjoyed both the sides of the world. When I was going slow, yes, I was driving to come back to me, but now when I am sensibly looking back, I think it was much needed. It was much needed to understand – It’s just One Life, One Life Time.